S.C. Democratic Nominee for US Senate Faces Calls Within Her Own Party to Withdraw

SC State Rep. Krystle Matthews announces she will campaign against U.S. Sen. Tim Scott in the 2022 race. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

Krystle Matthews, this year’s Democratic nominee for the South Carolina Senate seat, has been caught on video expressing her derogative beliefs towards her white counterparts. 

“Let me tell you one thing, you oughta know who you’re dealing with, like…you gotta treat them [white people] like sh*t, like I mean that’s the only way they’ll respect you,” Matthews stated in a conversation with an undercover journalist from Project Veritas on Wednesday, according to the Gateway Pundit. 

Matthews continued describing her connection with white people saying, “my district is slightly Republican, and it’s heavily white. I’m no stranger to white people, I’m from a mostly white town.”

Matthew currently represents South Carolina’s 117th district which includes Berkeley & Charleston Counties. The district’s demographics are notably diverse. White people make up less than 50% of the district’s population, and nearly 30% of the district is black, more than double the national total. 

Rep. Matthews admitted that she tries to keep white people “under her thumb” or else they “get out of control like kids,” as she continued to slander the majority of her district’s population. 

Matthews has supported troubling legislation during her time in office. Earlier this year, Matthews was the lone sponsor of House Bill 4891, which restricts the intensity of criminal background checks employees can conduct on their future employees. 

The bill dictated that employers would only have access to some aspects of potential employees’ criminal records, limited explicitly to “offenses related to the type of employment sought by the applicant.” The legislation would also prohibit law enforcement from releasing additional information about job candidates that are stored in other criminal databases. If passed, this bill would completely restrain and hinder a company’s ability to gain valuable information about possible employees. 

This is not the first time Matthews’s cynical values and beliefs have been exposed to the public. 

In June, after Matthews won the Democratic primary for the Senate seat, she told another Project Veritas covert reporter that she supported illegal funding for her campaign efforts, including accepting drug money. 

“And I still gotta struggle to raise money for my campaign?” Matthews stated. “Where the f*ck is my black people with money? I don’t care about no dope money! Give me that dope boy money!” 

Krystle Matthews not only smeared the white people in her state, but she also whined about black people in South Carolina. “Honestly, these ain’t the same type of black people that I grew up around. I don’t recognize these black people.”

In an effort to secure her victory and ultimately undermine the American democratic system, Matthew advocated for “secret sleepers” to penetrate the South Carolina Republican party.

“We need some secret sleepers. Like you need them to run as the other side, even though they are for our side. And we need them to win,” Matthews said. “We need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. This is the only way you’re gonna change the dynamics in South Carolina,” she concluded. 

Krystle Matthews has represented the 117th district of South Carolina since 2018, and in this year’s midterm elections, she is competing against incumbent Republican Sen. Tim Scott for his seat in the US Senate. If she loses the Senate race in November, ​​Matthews will also be running for a third state House term. 

However, since the derogatory audio was leaked, the Democratic party has suggested that she remove herself from the race. 

In an op-ed, South Carolina Democratic Rep. Justin Bamberg stated, “if any of our white counterparts had said the same thing with regards to blacks, the minority community, including myself, would be up in arms calling for that member’s immediate resignation.”

Similarly, the South Carolina Democratic candidate for Governor told the Associated Press that “there is absolutely no place in our political discourse” for Matthews’ comments, and “the Democratic Party cannot and should not tolerate such behavior from our elected officials and candidates.”

Krystle Matthews has yet to officially remove herself from the ballot, but it appears to be in her and South Carolina’s best interest to do so. *


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