The Clemson Billiards Club: Your Cue to Join

Members of the Clemson Billiards Club play a game in the Student Union's Underground Recreation Center.

This semester we had the opportunity to meet with Zacc, the president of the Clemson Billiards Club. This new club is a perfect example of the beauty of Clemson’s student-run organizations. All it took was two people with a common passion and a desire to share that passion with other students on campus to quickly provide a service to the Clemson community. If you are interested in improving your billiards game, playing weekly, and participating in tournaments, check out the Clemson Billiards Club on Thursday at the Underground Recreation Center!

TTO: Why did you start the club and when/where do you meet? 

Zacc: Me and a good friend Nick Carroll started the club fall semester of 2022 and we began renting out the Underground Recreation Center every Thursday and still do today.

TTO: How many members do you have? 

Zacc: We have over 80 members after just starting the club just 6 months ago.

TTO: How often do you compete in tournaments and how have people been performing?

Zacc: We try to do tournaments once every two months. Since we just started last semester we only had one tournament and we had about 15 people compete to win a cash prize as well as second and third place winning their very own pool cues. We have watched people improve over the semester and seeing it pay off in a tournament is what it is all about. There has been exponential progress in those who are new to the sport as well as those who are already experienced by matching their competition.

TTO: What are your thoughts on the plans to tear down the student union and how might that affect your club? Do you have plans for relocating?

We are saddened that the Student Union is going to be torn down and have yet to find a suitable location to replace the rec center.”

Zacc: We are saddened that the Student Union is going to be torn down and have yet to find a suitable location to replace the rec center. We do not think it will have a large effect on turnout because for those who do not have a car, we will offer a carpool schedule where I and other officers drive them to a location to play. We also have plans to rent out a section of a bar downtown where we can have members of the club come to play in a casual setting and get to know others better.


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