
If you want to help financially support the Tiger Town Observer, please follow our instructions carefully. We thank you so much for your generosity in advance!

1. Visit or click on the “Donate To Tiger Town Observer” link below.

2. Check the box “Donate to a Collegiate Network Paper,” and type “Tiger Town Observer” in the text box. By indicating that you want to give to the Tiger Town Observer, 100% of your tax-deductible gift will go to our publication. (*Please note: If you do not type “Tiger Town Observer” in the specified text box, we will not receive your donation. So please do not forget this final step!)

If you would prefer to donate by mail, you may also send a check to the address below with the note, “Restricted Gift to the Tiger Town Observer,” in the memo line.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute
3901 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 19807


*As one of our supporter organizations, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute collects funds on this publication’s behalf. The Tiger Town Observer nonetheless remains an independent, student-run publication with complete student control over its content.