Memories From Tiger Town Observer Alumni


As the Tiger Town Observer celebrates thirty years at Clemson University, we’re taking a trip down memory lane. Enjoy reading these memories from Clemson graduates who helped work on the Tiger Town Observer over the years. Thank you to all of our wonderful Tiger Town Observer alumni for making this year’s print edition possible. We are proud of you here in Tiger Town! – 2022 Tiger Town Observer Staff

“The ability to truly listen to others, especially when you don’t have the same background or beliefs, in order to reach a common goal is a skill I will continually carry with me and cherish.” – Samantha Pendergist

“When I started on the TTO as a staff writer my freshman year, I had no idea the impact it would have on my time at Clemson. What I enjoyed most as Editor in Chief was the ability to provide a platform for students to share their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs all while working on a creative and challenging project with my friends. I loved being able to transform and uphold the legacy of the TTO with a rebranding into a more student-friendly and accessible magazine format. I am currently a Director at a market research and analytics firm in Atlanta, GA, and I frequently utilize the same skills I developed working at the TTO. The ability to truly listen to others, especially when you don’t have the same background or beliefs, in order to reach a common goal is a skill I will continually carry with me and cherish.” – Samantha Pendergist, TTO 2013-2014

“Greetings from the West Coast! I currently live in Los Angeles and work as a nurse in the ICU. I miss my days at Clemson, and I miss the role of Editor in Chief for our then-print magazine! We were active on campus during the beginning of the ‘See the Stripes’ movement, and it was awesome to present our alternative viewpoints amidst the sea of liberal media on campus. One of my favorite memories was getting ‘Da and Za’ (soda and pizza) and spending long, hilarious nights editing the final copy before it went to print with my other editors. TTO was an amazing opportunity and experience that led to lifelong friendships and connections.” – Katherine Zogg, TTO 2015-2016

“The friendships I made, the skills I learned, and the opportunities for me to grow as a person could only come from TTO.” – zach talley

“My time at the Tiger Town Observer was as formative, probably even more formative, than most of my classes at Clemson. The friendships I made, the skills I learned, and the opportunities for me to grow as a person could only come from TTO. I’ll always be grateful for the incredible experiences I had during that wonderful time of my life. I hope future generations of TTO staff enjoy the ride as much as I did! TTO gave me a passion for storytelling and developed my ability to problem-solve creatively. It was perfect preparation for my career as a digital marketer.” – Zach Talley, TTO 2016-2017

“I have fond memories of late nights in the Hendrix Student Center editing articles for publication and identifying new stories. The TTO provided a great opportunity to get involved in campus issues while introducing me to lifelong friends. After graduating from Clemson in 2017, I went on to obtain my J.D. from Wake Forest University. I now practice law in Columbia, South Carolina.” – Kyle Brady, TTO 2015-2017

we brought stories to the Clemson community that no one else would.” – Alexander cullen

“During my time with the TTO, we brought stories to the Clemson community that no one else would. There’s always more going on at Clemson that meets the eye, and the Tiger Town Observer was the one to report on it! I am now a law graduate studying for the bar.” – Alexander Cullen, TTO 2017-2019

“My best memories during my time at the Tiger Town Observer were the late-night meetings. Whether we were planning for the big stories we were preparing to break or simply discussing politics late into the night, the TTO office became the home base for politically-involved conservatives on campus. Since graduation, I spent the last two years writing for the Washington Examiner.” – Zachary Faria, TTO 2017-2020

“I served as the Editor in Chief for TTO during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the backlash after George Floyd’s death. As such, I had to tread carefully, but I always considered TTO a bastion for free speech and open discussion. Prior to my tenure as Editor in Chief, I worked on the publication for two years. Since graduation, I’ve become the primary congressional reporter for the Epoch Times, and consider my time at TTO as having been the first stepping stone to that position.” – Joseph Lord, TTO 2018-2021 *


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