Dear Tigers,
Welcome to the 30th-anniversary edition of the Tiger Town Observer. Tiger Town Observer is an independent student magazine at Clemson University dedicated to promoting a campus culture of free speech and good faith political discourse. Founded in 1992, Tiger Town Observer is still committed to its founding principles of liberty, transparency, and free markets. The Tiger Town Observer will cover in-depth stories on a variety of issues, including campus culture, university administration, sports, public policy, and government affairs.
From covering the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal to the terror attacks of 9/11 to the Trump campaign, Tiger Town Observer has offered much in the way of student political commentary. It has also, more importantly, offered much to Clemson’s history. In 2014, Tiger Town Observer asked whether Clemson parking services was a form of highway robbery. The Observer ran a piece on Clemson’s freshmen “CU 1000 course” and inquired into the Clemson administration’s highest-paid salaries over the course of several “annual salary” editions.
Its student commentators, as is tradition in the Clemson Family, have gone on to do great things. They are in journalism, law, digital marketing, nursing, and more. Clemson students who spent time with the Tiger Town Observer over the past three decades remember their years here fondly. [RELATED: Memories From Tiger Town Observer Alumni]
The Tiger Town Observer has a thirty-year university presence, but it is also unique to the student staff and present generation who run the Observer. This year, we strive to bring nuance back into the conversation. The Tiger Town Observer will publish a variety of opinions and inquiries. While we continue to stand by our founding principles, the opinions published within these pages are the property of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other member or the Observer itself.
We are proud and excited to bring Tiger Town Observer back into print for its 30th consecutive year. The Observer is dedicated to a campus culture of free speech and good faith political discourse. As difficult as it may be to navigate this path in 2022, I am hopeful. The Clemson Family has a special way of allowing us to build bridges. We invite you to engage with ideas. If one thing has not changed since 1992, it is the power and potential of the university to achieve great things.
Your Editor in Chief,
Emily Cope